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Robert O 'Hotto gifts us an incredible event. Three classes of about 2.5 hours each. A total of Approximately 8 hours that are full of wisdom, teachings and guidance all free of charge!

The objective of this series is to invite us to look at the Corona virus from an intuitive point of view and thus see the divine order in this world event. Weaved through this excellent class is the assertion that we must take responsibility for creating this world wide karmic event and from that presence create a new life individually and therefore collective.


Below I offer you my notes in English on the first class of the course.  I have also posted these notes in my blog in Spanish. (The title of the course is: Decoding Our First One World Synchronicity: a 3 Part Webcast Event Series) 

In the first part of the course,  O¨Hotto guides us on a journey to decode the meaning, the substance, the dynamics, and more transcendentally, the cause and effect of the Corona virus pandemic: the "worldwide synchronization that has occurred for the first time in the planet". A worldwide karmic event.

To be able to see or perceive this pandemic intuitively, and not from our five senses and three-dimensional perspective, he insists we must first clean our  perception. A clear PERCEPTION is the direct channel to our intuition.

The biggest pollutants of crystalline perception are our shadows. To clear our perception (or intuitive guidance) we have to face our own individual shadows and see how they shape our way of life, how they cloud our choices, and how they contribute to the collective shadow of the planet. We have to take responsibility for how our personal dark choices create darkness in the world. The Corona virus is the physical manifestation of our collective shadows.

Shadows are those parts of you that you don't want to face, that you don't want to see.  Shadows are those parts of us that we put away, that we reject mostly unconsciously, in favor of the status quo, of not upsetting others, of keeping some illusion of control, of fear of exposing weakness, of not having to express our truth, of ignoring what is right, of pretending that we do not see and so on ... We shut stuff away because if we confront it we feel we lose control-power, we feel powerless.

But at this stage in the history of the world, this is the moment and the only time we have to face the shadows, to bring presence and truth. We can't hide anymore. We have no more time.

To regain our power we have to start by identifying those aspects of ourselves that we ignore and hide because facing them makes us feel very uncomfortable. We must know that bringing them to the light and working with them through the truth gives us an opportunity to find a way to regain power, even amidst the discomfort of the shadow.

For example, fear is an emotion that emerges deeply and uncomfortably with the spread of this dangerous virus. We can hide from fear by blaming people, countries, politicians, doctors, etc., or we can look at our own fear and recognize it and embrace it for what it is, and then from that truth and recognition of our truth, look for ways to find our power.

We can do this by helping others who are suffering more than we are, finding a way to contribute to others, or joining a cause that helps, choosing actions and decisions that empower us, strengthen us, make us feel good and strong. A way to embrace fear bringing light and cleaning the shadows of our perceptions. A way that aligns us with our intuition, with our soul.

So the first stage in facing our shadows is to look at what are our power and our powerlessness issues, what are the facts, ideas, issues, themes, that make us feel powerless and what are those that make us feel empowered. (By the way, feeling powerless is not a bad or wrong thing, it is just a state that we have to face, deal with and find out how to alleviate with presence and self-pity).


Shadows obstruct our intuition. To begin polishing our intuition whenever we think we intuitively know something, we have to ask the question:  Am I seeing this clearly? Do I feel helpless right now and that is why I am recruiting some archetype to help me get through this situation? For example, a common archetype is the judge, we choose to judge over compassion and understanding because it makes us feel more powerful than those we are judging. (Archetypes can be thought of as recurring patterns of thought and action that we use to deal with our life experiences.)

There has never been a global event that has been able to activate power and impotence like COVID19 has done in just a few months. It is a global collective event, the result of your shadow, my shadow and the shadows of everyone else impacting the planet.

A ONE WORLD event. What does a one world mean? Why are these two words the keywords that give meaning to this karmic event? Which is a world wide –one world-  karmic event.

We have all karmically signed up for this event. It is not a punishment sent to us to pay for our mistakes or actions. It is not a punitive reaction from some god or higher judge sitting on some cloud up there. Karma is a term that describes a very simple and linear law:



The decisions made from personal and universal shadows are mostly unconscious ones, and little by little they have built and finally unleashed this global event: COVID19.

At some level, we have always known that there is only one world and that we are all interconnected sharing this one world. But we have become much more aware of that truth in recent decades. Now we consciously know that we all equally breathe the same air, drink the same water. We have become progressively more and more aware of this "oneness", we are more and more aware that we are ONE world.


And how do we live now knowing that we are ONE?

The answer can be seen in the worldwide resurgence of populism, nationalism, of separatisms, of the construction of walls and fences, etc., which show that we are very uncomfortable with the fact that we are all in this world equally interconnected. We don't like the "equalizing" effect of being one world.

But there is nothing to hide.

Corona is here to teach what happens when we reject a world in which we are all interconnected regardless of race, creed, economic differences, sex, age, skin color, and that our actions have consequences. (Even what we do to the environment.)

Corona is an archetypal evolutionary mandate: there is a pattern of metta, in the earth's psychic energy field, and it is in motion.

Corona shows us an evolutionary path that says: It is time for you all to recognize that you all belong to one world, and that you have contributed to karmic factors for decades, if not for the past two centuries, that are now creating karmic events that possibly annihilate you all.

The only way to overcome this destiny is to start acting as if we shared a single world, as if everything we think, do or don't do, matters to everyone.


Question: How do we consciously make this "one world"?

It is the only way out, because if we live consciously in unity, we have options and potentials to survive and move towards the light.

Corona's synchronized message: Do you want to make a ONE world consciously or not? Because I, as a virus, am going to trigger a karmic tipping point and we will see how it goes.

Why is the message synchronized?

Synchronism is the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear to be significantly related but have no discernible casual connection. But events are connected, they stick together, especially through meaning. So it is only discernible through intuition (in the form of symbols, messages, signs, events, images, etc ...)

Sometimes why things happen is not explainable through the five senses, instead, you have to go into multiple senses to know it, for example sometimes eyes that see symbolism are required. You have to be open to listen to that deeper knowledge in you that emanates from the soul,  that sees things simultaneously with your five senses. If you want to know what creates the reality of an event, you have to enter the symbolic realm because symbols can contain holographic and archetypal information.

For example, the five senses tell us that the coronavirus originated in China from food contamination and spread without control, etc., but they cannot say why it happened.

You have to go behind the curtain of the senses to find out what causes reality; you have to use symbolic eyes, the intuitive senses guided by an absolutely clear perception.

If you understand or accept that individual and global choices have a profound effect on the universal, you understand that overcoming darkness is also a personal and universal responsibility. There is nothing that does not affect the whole.  And it is proven by quantum physics and science. Understanding and accepting ONE, A WORLD and what it implies for everyone, means consciously directing your choices towards the light, away from the shadows and twilight. 

To bring the LIGHT into this darkness that surrounds the world right now and is in no rush to leave, it is important to decode the shadow that has unleashed this event.

The term decode emphasizes that we need to study this karmic event with a "technical" detachment, with no emotions or feelings of any kind, only the facts as achieved through clear perception and intuition. 

Corona is not an accident. It is divinely designed and it is karmic.

We reach to that conclusion when we see the event as a technician, without emotional charge. And we decode this event because we care about ourselves and the other, because we are one!

We decode this event through an intuitive process in the territory of the symbolic and archetypal to answer how did we get to this?

Why is CORONA happening?

To reveal that we are blind to our interconnectedness and that we are living in violation of this holism.

There is a Law of Holism that generates events like this one to show us that we are not aligned with our truth. We all co-create reality consciously or unconsciously. We all share a potential destiny.

We need to take a good inventory of our shadows and give a good reading to our culture, our society, our tribal loyalties, to all those patterns that we adopt mostly unconsciously but that define and direct where our lives go individually and therefore collectively.

We are in The Dark Night, we are in spiritual and physical chaos.

But this dark night is also an evolutionary mandate that is in favor of our potential being born. Let's learn to see the dark night with empowerment and awareness.

The question is: are we all together Dark Night Travelers through destiny or do we want to return to the old and the known? Repeat or rotate? Stagnate or transform

The archetypal pattern that is unfolding now is the pattern of becoming aware that the entire universe is an immense energy network that includes everything.

Power and powerlessness.

We all feel powerless now.

But let us possess our impotence, let us recognize it! If we do not possess it, our impotence will possess us. We can be powerless in an empowered way.

So what is powerlessness? It is the lack of ability to have control in some area of ​​your life, it is feeling incapable of creating an effect, it is the lack of power to decide and act. That powerlessness can lead to self-disconnection. It disconnects you from your intuitive guidance, your optimal choice, inspiration and motivation to act and brings you illusions of control that makes you lose even more power. Whereas when you are empowered you own yourself and feel authority that leads to self-connection. You can listen to your intuition and make conscious decisions.

To come to power in this pandemic, first of all then, we must run an inventory of where one has no power.

 Where's your power now?

I have the power that leads me to sit in this darkness with you and with everyone else.

I have the power that leads me to sit in my own shadow and hold her like the beautiful dragon that she is. Because I know that if I do, the treasure power chest will open for me and it has my intuition, guidance, soul, prayers and angels.

I can't wait to hug this shadow dragon!

Remember that there is power in faith, power in prayer, power in courage.




Make a list of your power and powerlessness problems with compassion and self-esteem and complete truthfulness. There is no right or wrong, good or bad, just the truth. For that, let your answers come not from your mind but through your emotional system, to feel and recognize your anxiety, fear, worry, loneliness, sadness, etc.

Then make another list with feelings that give you back your power: peace, tranquility, inspiration, calm, composure, presence, kindness, connected.